jueves, 8 de abril de 2021



Estimadas familias:

Hemos comenzado la Unidad 4 del libro de Natural Sciences, titulada  Plants  (“Plantas”), y en ella trabajaremos:

·       Las partes de una planta y qué necesitan para vivir.

·       La función de cada parte de la planta.

·       Los tres tipos principales de plantas.

·       Las plantas perennes y caducas.

·       Las partes de la flor.

·       El papel de la fruta en la reproducción de la planta.

·       Las plantas sin flor.


Os adjunto el vocabulario más importante y preguntas para repasar la unidad.

Como siempre, os animo  a que utilicéis los recursos digitales en casa.


root = raíz

stem = tallo

leaf/leaves = hoja/hojas

flower = flor

water = agua

sunlight = luz solar

air = aire

hold up = sostener, mantener en pie

colourful = de colores

seed = semilla

tree = árbol

bush = arbusto

grass = hierba

trunk = tron

deciduous = caduca

evergreen = perenne

branch = rama

stamen = estambre

petal = pétalo

pistil = pistillo

sepal = sépalo

non-flowering plant = planta sin flor

moss = musgo

fern = helecho

spore = espora

shade = sombra

wood = madera


  • Why are plants living things? They are born, grow, reproduce and die.

  •  What do plants need to live? They need air, water, soil and sunlight.

  •  Name the parts of a plant/tree: roots, stem/trunk, branches, leaves, flowers, fruit, seeds…
  • What do these parts do?

The roots take in water and nutrients from the soil.

The stem holds the plant up.

The leaves take in air and sunlight.

The flowers are colourful and produce seeds for the reproduction of the plant.


  • Tell a characteristic of a tree/ bush/ grass.

Trees have a thick, hard stem called a trunk.

Bushes are short and have a lot of stems.

Grass is thin and bendy.


  • What trees lose their leaves in autumn? Decidious trees.


  • What trees have leaves all year round? Evergreen trees.


  • Name the 4 parts of a flower: petals, sepal, stamen and pistil.


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