Estimadas familias:
Hemos comenzado la unidad 3 de su libro de Ciencias
Sociales Oxford Think Do! Learn 2. Esta unidad tiene por título The atmosphere and weather (“La
atmósfera y el tiempo”), y en ella aprenderá:
La atmósfera y la importancia de protegerla.
Diferentes condiciones atmosféricas: viento
(brisa, vendaval, huracán) y precipitaciones (lluvia, granizo, nieve).
Los instrumentos que utilizamos para medir el
tiempo atmosférico. Símbolos utilizados en los mapas del tiempo.
Os adjunto el vocabulario más importante que
aprenderán a lo largo de la unidad y algunas preguntas para repasar.
Quisiera animaros a que ayudéis a vuestro/a
hijo/a a interiorizar los contenidos utilizando los recursos digitales de los
libros y los que podéis encontrar aquí.
Sin duda, vuestra
colaboración ayudará a que vuestro/a hijo/a aprenda y se divierta.
atmosphere = atmósfera
troposphere = troposfera
stratosphere = estratosfera
ionosphere = ionosfera
air pollution =
contaminación atmosférica
weather = tiempo
precipitation =
rain = lluvia
snow = nieve
hail = granizo
wind = viento
hurricane = huracán
breeze = brisa
gale = vendaval
anemometer = anemómetro
rain gauge = pluviómetro
thermometer = termómetro
wind vane = veleta
satellite = satélite
weather forecast =
pronóstico del tiempo
weather map = mapa del
cloudy = nublado
foggy = con niebla,
sunny = soleado
windy = ventoso, con
snowy = nevado, cubierto
de nieve
stormy = tormentoso
rainy = lluvioso
What is the atmosphere? The atmosphere is a layer of gases around the Earth. It’s the air that surrounds the Earth.
What’s the weather like today? It’s sunny/cloudy/windy/snowy/foggy/rainy…
it rainy/sunny/… today? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.
Do weather occurs in the stratosphere
or the troposphere? In the troposphere.
Do planes fly in the stratosphere or
ionosphere? In the stratosphere.
What can we do to take care of the
atmosphere and stop air pollution? We can use public transport, use a bike or
walk, grow plants, turn the lights and TV off when we are not using them...
What do we use to measure
rain/wind/temperature? We use the rain gauge/wind vane/thermometer….
In winter, is it normally hot or cold?
It’s cold.
What is precipitation? Precipitation
is water that falls from the clouds.
Can you name three forms of precipitation?
Rain, snow and hail.
What is wind? Wind is air in motion.
Is a hurricane very strong wind or
gentle wind? A hurricane is very strong wind.
What clothes do we wear when it’s
sunny? We can wear a t-shirt and shorts.
What clothes do we wear when it’s
rainy? We can wear a coat and rain boots.
What activities do we do when it’s
sunny? We can play in the park.
What do we do when it’s rainy? We use
an umbrella.
What can you eat or drink when it’s
hot and sunny? We can eat an ice-cream.
What can you eat or drink when it’s
cold and rainy? We can drink hot chocolate.
What’s the weather like in
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