Hemos empezado a trabajar la unidad 1 de Natural Sciences:
Nutrition and reproduction (“Nutrición
y reproducción”)
:·Las tres
funciones vitales de todo ser vivo: nutrición, reproducción e interacción.
·Las distintas
partes del aparato digestivo
diferente tipos de alimentos y la importancia de una dieta equilibrada.
·Las distintas
partes de los aparatos respiratorio y circulatorio y la función de cada una.
·Las partes
del aparato excretor y cómo funciona este
.·El ciclo de la vida humana
.·Las características
principales de la reproducción humana
·Las fases
del desarrollo embrionario
adjunto el vocabulario más importante que aprenderá a lo largo de la unidad y
algunas de las preguntas que iremos trabajando en clase y que os pueden servir
para repasar en casa a medida que vayamos avanzando en le unidad. También,
sería recomendable repasar con los recursos digitales del libro que
encontraréis en blinklearning y otros del blog de aula.
Lista de vocabulario
interaction = interacción
reproduction = reproducción
life process = función vital
digestive system = aparato digestivo
esophagus = esófago
intestine = intestino
stomach = estómago
mouth = boca
fish and meat = carne y pescado
bread and cereals = pan y cereales
and vegetables = frutas y verduras
and oils = grasas y aceites
and dairy = leche y productos lácteos
system = aparato respiratorio
= pulmones
= nariz
trachea = tráquea
circulatory system = aparato circulatorio
heart = corazón
blood vessels = vasos sanguíneos
excretory system = aparato excretor
kidneys = riñones
ureters = uréteres
bladder = vejiga
urethra = uretra
system = aparato reproductor
= vivíparo
= útero
= feto
umbilical cord = cordon umbilical
Questions to review:
Preguntas para repasar a lo largo de la unidad:
Can you name the three main
life processes for humans? Nutrition, interaction and reproduction.
Tell me the names of 3 fruits, vegetables, dairy products…
Can you name the three main life processes for humans? Nutrition, interaction and reproduction.
Tell me the names of 3 fruits, vegetables, dairy products…
When you eat, what happens in your mouth? In my mouth, my teeth chew the food and my tongue mixes it with saliva.
What system gets nutrients from food? The digestive system.
What do we have inside our mouth? We have the teeth, the tongue and the saliva.
What tube does food go down after being into the mouth? It goes down the esophagus.
Where does food go after being in the esophagus? It goes to the stomach.
What are the names of two intestines? Small intestine and large intestine.
Where does the waste go? It goes to the large intestine and out through the anus.
Can you name the major organs in the digestive system? Mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestine.
Where do the nutrients pass into your blood? In the small intestine.
What system allows us to get oxygen from the air? The respiratory system.
Where do we breathe in? We breathe through our noses.
What do we breathe in? We breathe in oxygen.
Name some parts of the respiratory system. Nose, windpipe, bronchi and lungs.
How do we get oxygen into our bodies? When we breathe, air goes through our nose, traquea and into our lungs.
Where does oxygen pass into the blood? In the lungs.
What system sends blood from the heart to all parts of our bodies? The circulatory system.
Which organ pumps blood? The heart pumps blood.
What is the heart? The heart is a muscle that pumps blood.
What do the blood vessels do? They carry the blood to all parts of the body.
What tubes send the blood to the rest of the body? Blood vessels.
What do kidneys do? They clean the blood.
Which organ holds the pee and looks like a bag? The bladder.
Where does the fetus grow? In the mother’s uterus.
How does the fetus get nutrition from its mother? Through the umbilical cord.
What body system helps us turn food into energy? It’s the digestive system.
What body system helps us breathe? It’s the respiratory system.
What body system helps the body eliminate waste? It’s the excretory system.
What body system pumps blood around our bodies? It’s the circulatory system.
What system allows us to have babies? The reproductive system.
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