Estamos trabajando los animales tanto desde el área de English como desde Natural. Os paso el vocabulario , expresiones y oraciones más habituales que manejamos en clase para que las podáis practicar en casa.
Farm animals: goat, sheep, pig, dog, cat, horse, duck, chicken, frog, cow, bird, mouse, rabbit
Wild animals: lion, tiger, snake, crocodile, shark, whale, dolphin, chameleon, penguin, flamingo, parrot, bear, elephant, sardines, salamander, zebra, monkey, turtle, lizard, bat, giraffe,...
Vertebrates: Mammals, Fish, Reptiles, Amphibians, Birds
Invertebrates:snail, cocroach, worm, bee, butterfly, ladybird, spider, octopus, ant
Slither/ Walk/ Swim / Fly/ Jump/ Run/ Climb
In water/ On land
Can an elephant climb? No, it can´t
Can a dolphin swim? Yes, it can
An animal that can/ can´t ...
What can a snake/... do? A snake/... can slither
Where does a zebra/... live? A zebra/... lives on land
Does a ... live in water or on land
IS...a vertebrate or an invertebrate animal? It´s ...
What animals don´t have a skeleton inside their bodies? Invertebrates don´t have a skeketon inside their bodies
How many legs has a chicken got? A chicken has got 2 legs
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